Monday, January 27, 2020
Power Issues And Case Analysis Imbalances Social Work Essay
Power Issues And Case Analysis Imbalances Social Work Essay This assignment will discuss the case study given whilst firstly looking at the issues of power as well as the risk discourse and how this can be dominant within social work practice. Further to this a task centred approach will be explained and how it could be used when approaching this case study. Finally the strengths perspective will be explored and how this could effect change, and bring about social justice principles. Thompson (2000) discusses that power can be a complex issue that operates on different levels. He further discusses that many service users who come into contact with social services are generally in a relatively low position of power, and that this could be due to, for example; social divisions such as, class, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. When looking at issues of power, it could be said that Ms. Evans who defines herself as Asian is being oppressed by many power differentials that would need to be considered. For example; Ms. Evans is currently living in naval married quarters and feels she has not been accepted into the community. It could be argued that she is living in a predominantly male domineered, white environment. Thompson (2000:56) highlights patriarchal ideology and how male dominance serves to maintain existing power relations between men and women, he also highlights how we should resist the pressure to make people conform to white malestream norms (Thompson 2000:141). Healey (2005) discusses anti-oppressive practice and how this looks at the personal, cultural and structural objects that can shape the problems that service users experience. Healey (2005) further discusses that through anti-oppressive practice social workers aim to promote service user empowerment by encouraging them to talk about and share their feelings of powerlessness, to help them understand how cultural and structural injustices can shape their experiences of oppression. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would need to incorporate anti-oppressive practice in order to empower, and enable her to share with me her feelings and experiences of powerlessness in order to gain a better understanding of the families situation. However Thompson (2000) highlights, social work intervention involves the exercise of power, which if used negatively can reinforce the disadvantages that service users experience. Used positively however power can help to enhance the working relationship, the outcomes, and empower the service user, as Healey (2000:202) writes postructuralists see power as an ever-present and productive feature of social relations, and Foucault cited by Healey (2000) highlights the need for us to recognise the productivity of power, and argues that by focussing on power as only being oppressive ignores the positive dimensions of power. Ms. Evans has been referred to social services via the Health Visitor; this could be making her feel disempowered and nervous about the forth coming intervention of social services. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would have to recognise the power imbalances between us, (Thompson 2000). I would need to be sensitive to the issues of power and imbalances by being clear with Ms. Evans on my role and purpose, explaining professional boundaries and responsibilities (Trevithick 2005). I would also need to consider my use of language and how as Dalrymple (1995) cited by Healey (2000:184) explains the way in which language can reflect power differentials and have an impact on the people with whom we are working. As well as recognising power issues and imbalances, as the social worker l would also need to undertake a risk assessment. As Thompson (2000) highlights, to assess the degree and nature of any risk to which Ms. Evans and her family could be exposed to. Assessing exposure to risks or a person, who is vulnerable to it is central to assessment within social work practice (Davies 2005). Stated in the Codes of Practice, as a social care worker, you must respect the rights of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people (GSCC 2007:4). This includes following risk assessment policies and procedures to assess whether the behaviour of service users presents a risk of harm to themselves or others (GSCC 2007: 4.2). Therefore when working with Ms. Evans and her family I would need to be aware of my organisational and statutory duties as there are substantial policies, guidance, and frameworks to inform my practice on risk assessment. When working with children and families as Brayne (2005) highlights, I would need to be aware of the law, which under the Children Act 1989 states; my primary responsibility would be when working with Ms. Evans and her family to that of the child, or children. Ms. Evans has stated that on occasions she and her family have experienced verbal abuse, which would need to be investigated further to decide on any risks this may pose to the family. However she has been described by the Health Visitor as suffering from post natal depression, and finds it difficult to care for her children, aged seven, five, and a ten week old baby who has spinal bifida. Therefore it could be said that my primary statutory concern would be, to what extent is her post natal depression effecting the care and welfare of her children, and does this pose any risks that need to be identified. Risk assessment and the management of risk have become dominant in all areas of social work. Kemshall (1997:123) cited by Davies (1997:123) highlights that within social work risk assessment and risk management have become key issues and are often central in the decisions, to allocate resources, to intervene in the lives and choices of others or to limit the liberties of activities of clients. Risk assessment has become a dominant discourse within social work because social workers are employed within a risk society, which searches for ways to identify and manage risk effectively. (Higham 2005:182) However as stated in the codes of practice, social workers should also recognise that service users have the right to take risks, and help them to identify and manage potential and actual risks to themselves and others (GSCC 2007: 4.1). Higham (2006:182) discusses how service users strengths that are likely to diminish the predicted risks should be assessed in keeping with the social work value of empowerment. Pritchard (1996) cited by Davies (1997:124) discusses how service users should not be denied the opportunities to take risks or exercise choice, and states that, risk-taking is an important feature of all our lives (Davies 1997:124). However, as Thompson (2000) explains, the balance between care and control within social work can be difficult to maintain. By approaching this case with a task centred approach would as Healey (2005) explains, mean focussing on enabling Ms. Evans to make small and meaningful changes in her life, that she has recognised, acknowledged and wanted to work on. Coulshed (1998) highlights that within this approach the service user is the main change agent, helping the worker to assess what the priorities for change ought to be. She further explains that because the worker is as accountable as the service user in carrying out agreed tasks this lessens the sense of powerlessness that the service user maybe feeling. A task centred approach works on a specific set of procedures whereby the service user is helped to carry out problem-alleviating tasks (Coulshed 1998). Healey (2005) explains that it consists of the pre-intervention stage, followed by four sequential but overlapping steps. Therefore firstly I would need to understand and establish the source of referral (the Health Visitor) and negotiate with them any expectations and views. However as Healey (2005) states, by understanding the views of the referring agency does not mean that this has to be the focus of work, as I would need to work with Ms. Evans on defining the target problems. Mutual clarity between Ms. Evans and me would need to be addressed, discussing any limits or boundaries, explaining confidentiality, my role, as well as any legal or other obligations. Working in collaboration with Ms. Evans I would seek to explore and prioritise Ms. Evans views of her problems, as the service user involvement in identifying the target problems are critical to concentrating their efforts on change (Healey 2005:119). Epstein and Brown (2002) cited by Healey (2005) suggest a maximum of three target problems, as it is not necessary to address all problems identified. Success in a few can have a knock-on effect for other problems in a service users life that may enable them to live with these problems or to deal with them (Healey 2005:113). However as Healey (2005) writes, although within a task centred approach the service users definitions of their problems should prevail, in circumstances where the worker is duty bound to insist on considering certain problems, or a judgement has been made of a potential risk that the service user may pose to themselves or others, than these issues should be clearly raised. An explicit agreement (contract) would need to be mutually clarified. This would include times, location of meetings, and detailed information on the goals of intervention, whereby the service user should be responsible for deciding the order in which problems should be addressed (Healey 2005). It should also include any goals the social worker has on behalf of their agency or statutory duties. For example when working with Ms. Evans, goals for intervention might include her health status to be investigated in relation to her post natal depression. As well as this a statement of tasks would be listed to address target problems and to develop the service users problem-solving skills (Healey 2005). This is the key intention of task centred practice, hence we must resist any temptation to do for, rather than do with the service user (Healey 2005:122). An example of one task could be; Ms. Evans to gain more information on spinal bifida and then forward this to her partner, as she feels that he has not accepted their daughters condition, and this could be a fear of the unknown. In supporting Ms. Evans in her task performance I would encourage, and help build on her strengths maybe through rehearsing set tasks with her in the form of role play (Healey 2005). This would enable for any strategies necessary to be put into place to help Ms. Evans overcome any obstacles that she may feel could hinder the completion of a certain task. Task centred practice is a systematic process, therefore throughout my work with Ms. Evans I would need to regularly review performed tasks in order to acknowledge any gain made, as well as address any tasks that have not been performed. This would give me the opportunity to address any issues with Ms. Evans and to explore ways if deemed necessary to revise our contract. Finally integral to the task centred structure is the need for a well planned termination. Healey (2005:124) writes that a clear and looming deadline is vital for concentrating worker and service user efforts on change. Within the termination meeting I would review with Ms, Evans the overall progress of our work, and how in the future she might maintain any progress that has been made (Healey 2005). Healey (2005) explains that a task centred framework provides a shell in which other theoretical perspectives can be incorporated. Incorporating a strengths perspective would, like task centred practice focus on, building a service users capacity to help themselves and to promote a mutual learning partnership between workers and service users, (Healey 2005:158) keeping within the social work values of empowerment, respect and service user self-determination. According to Healey (2005) the strengths perspective concentrates on enabling service users and communities to work towards their future hopes and dreams, rather than looking at past or present problems. Saleeby (1997:4) cited by Healey (2005:152) states that the strengths perspective formula is straightforward, where workers are required to mobilise service users strengths in order to enable them to achieve their goals and objectives, which would lead to the service user having a better quality of life on their terms (Healey 2005:152). Some of the key assumptions of the strengths perspective are, all people have strengths, capacities and resources, and people generally demonstrate resilience, rather than pathology when facing adverse life events. (Healey 2005:157). Healey (2005) discusses the practice principles and how the social worker should adopt a positive and optimistic attitude towards service users, working in partnership with them so solutions to problems are developed collaboratively. Healey (2005:162) further states that the formation of a good working partnership can increase the resources available to solve the problem at hand. Therefore when working with Ms. Evans I would focus on listening to her story, identifying her capacities, strengths, and resourcefulness which could contribute to positive changes. I would clarify any strengths with her as Healey (2005:162) explains, service users can grow when others particularly helpers actively affirm and support their capacity to do so. My role as the social worker would be to facilitate Ms. Evans capacity to acknowledge, and use existing strengths and resources which would enable her to develop new ones. These strengths could be for example; the skills she has developed from parenting, most of which due to her partner being in the Navy she may have done independently. Ms. Evans defines herself as Asian and that Islam is important to her, therefore, another strength could be that of adaptability, and having the inner strength to explore new experiences, as she may have moved from an Asian community to be with her partner in the naval married quarters. According to Saleeby (1996) cited by Healey (2005:164) belonging to a community is the first step towards empowerment. Therefore by working towards social justice principles I would explore with Ms. Evans what formal and informal help was available to her within the community. For example, a mother and toddler group, which would enable her to become part of the community that she feels she has not been accepted into. Healey (2005:164) explains community support can build and draw on the capacities of service users to help themselves and to help others. I would also discuss with her the help she is already receiving in relation to her baby and her diagnosis of spinal bifida, which could mean the family are entitled to both financial and practical help. This could include a family support carer to give some respite, which would allow Ms. Evans some time to pursue her own interests, such as her religion. Further to this I would need to recognise any strengths and assets within Ms. Evans social networks, such as people she may feel can be supportive, maybe discussing with her possible personal support from family and friends (Healey 2005). In conclusion this assignment has discussed the issues of power and how social workers need to be sensitive to and recognise power imbalances. .Following this, risk discourse has been explained, as well as a task centred approach to the case study. Finally the strengths perspective was incorporated which focuses on the capacities and potentialities of the service user.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
How Mary Shelley creates a sense of horror in Frankenstein :: English Literature
How Mary Shelley creates a sense of horror in Frankenstein. Frankenstein Introduction In this essay, I will be writing about how Mary Shelley creates sense of horror in Frankenstein. Horror stories are usually dark and sinister. They are also very mysterious. They mostly use catching background music and horrible settings to create a sense of horror. Mary Shelley creates a sense of horror through the characters, settings and the language. From the beginning of the story, the audience's speculate that there was a reason behind Victor Frankenstein's interest to the anatomy of science. " A mind of moderate capacity, which closely pursues one study, Must infallibly arrive at great proficiency in that study." This creates a sense of horror because it suggests that Frankenstein is obsessed with the subject. It isn't just a plain interest. After his mother died, he was very upset and angry. He wanted to create a living human being- bringing a dead body alive. He wanted to do something that no one else has done. This can be looked at, as a metaphor saying that, he wanted to make something that even nature hasn't even created. This creates a sense of horror because, people in the 19th century were very superstitious and believed that going against the nature means going against God, and that's the worst sin that can be committed. " Darkness had no effect upon my fancy." This creates a sense of horror because he was different from the other people as well as the human characteristics. He had no fear of death or any superstitious belief. He appears as a person who would do anything because he is contending to himself as well as God. He wanted to create something that wouldn't have to follow the procedure of life. "I should attempt the creation of a being like myself" This creates a sense of horror because it suggests that he wants to break the natural chain. He is willing to create a human like himself but it should live for eternity. He wants to prevent death. He wanted to "succeed and arrive at great proficiency in that study". He finally decides to learn everything about human bodies and create a human creature from dead body parts so he started to make framework with bones and organs as an experiment. Frankenstein collects most of the materials that he needs from the charnel house where dead bodies are kept, and also goes to other places that are associated death such as churchyards, the dissecting room and the slaughterhouse. "Churchyard was the receptacle of bodies deprived of life" and "The dissecting room and the slaughter house furnished many of his materials". All these settings creates a sense of horror because, it's set in a
Saturday, January 11, 2020
An Overview Of The Prison Systems
This critique on the criminal justice system is going to focus on prisons. Prisons are institutions for the confinement of persons convicted of criminal offenses. This paper is going to discuss the early history of prisons, early American prisons, goals of prisons, North Carolina prisons, and an overall overview of the prison system. Throughout history, most societies have built places in which to hold persons accused of criminal acts pending some form of trial. But the confinement of persons/criminals after a trial for punishment is relatively new. In ancient times (around the 15th century), the penalties for crime were often some type of corporal punishment. Whipping, drawn and quartered, broken on the wheel, burned at the stake, beheaded, hanged, or stretched on the rack. In the 16th century England, vagrants and petty offenders were committed to correctional institutions known as workhouses, a correctional facility for persons guilty of minor criminal violations. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the government began to transport convicted felons to the English colonies. The punishment was initially thought of as the hard labor to which the prisoners were consigned. However, the idea that persons convicted of crime could be punished and then released after a relatively long period of time, was a new concept. Jails were first used as collection points for criminals awaiting transportation. Early jails were mostly dark, overcrowded, and filthy. The prisoners were held together indiscriminately, no separation of men and women, the young and old, the convicted and the unconvicted, or the sane and the insane. In America, the concept of imprisonment became a realization. The English Quaker, William Penn, abolished the death penalty for most crimes in the late 1600s, substituting imprisonment as a punishment. After battling between the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1718 and the replacement with incarceration in 1789, the Walnut Street Goal (Philadelphia) became the first prison in the United States. By the mid 19th century, most of the other states had followed. Two prison models soon emerged in the U.S. The first system, known as the Auburn Model, began in New York in 1817. The prisoners worked together in total silence during the day, but were housed separately at night. Very strict discipline was enforced, and violators were subjected to severe reprisals. The second model, Pennsylvania, began in 1829 at Cherry Hill (Eastern State Penitentiary). The Pennsylvania model was based on solitary confinement for convicts both day and night. The two models were both criticized very vigorously. Proponents of the Pennsylvania model focused on its hope of rehabilitation. The theory of being a felon and locked up alone all day in a cell with nothing but a Bible to read, would help out drastically. The Auburn model was criticized as being virtual slavery. This was thought because of the fact that the prisoners were often put to work for private entrepreneurs who had contracted with the state for their labor. Prisoners were never paid, leaving profits for the business owners and the state. Advocates of the Auburn model alleged that the idleness of the prisoners in the Cherry Hill penitentiary sometimes caused madness. Proponents stressed the activity of the prisoners and the profits from their labor, which meant that the states did not have to finance the prison. Rehabilitation was the systems main goal. In 1870, the National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline (known as the American Correctional Association) met for the first time in Cincinnati, Ohio. The congress adopted a set of principles for corrections, chief of which was the primary goal of rehabilitation. This led to the juvenile reformatories. Although the attempts to rehabilitate were relatively unsuccessful, the goal of rehabilitation changed the criminal justice system in the following decades. Probation and parole, work release, community corrections, and even a separate system of procedures and courts for dealing with juveniles, can all be traced to what was discussed at the first meeting in 1870. The Rehabilitation programs such as vocational training, guidance counseling, and psychotherapy began as part of the whole rehabilitation goal. In 1975, a study of more than 240 such programs essentially concluded that none was truly successful in reducing the recidivism rate (relapse into criminal behavior). Although there have been much criticism to this study, many believe the basic conclusion that participation in these programs was often not really voluntary, because prisoners hoped parole boards would look favorably on those who enrolled. Most penologist (a branch of criminology dealing with prison management and the treatment of offenders) now agree that rehabilitation is not a proper reason for imprisoning someone. Thus, rehabilitation is no longer the only, or even the main objective of correction agencies. In North Carolina, it wasnâ⬠t until 1868 that the state adopted a new constitution that provided for a state penitentiary. Inmates began building North Carolinas first prison, Central Prison, in 1870. It was a completed castle-like structure near the state capitol. It was finished in December 1884, when the prisoners started moving in. à · In 1875, these same inmates were leased to private employers as laborers and farmers. Under the lease, businesses had complete responsibility for the inmates. Many worked in rock quarries and built railways, while others farmed two tracts of land that the state leased. à · In 1901, inmates began working on state roads. They were moved from work sight to work sight in horse-drawn prison cages. In 1910, the incentive wage system began and inmates could then earn up to 15 cents a day, paid upon release, for the work that was being done. à · In 1925, the General Assembly enacted a law changing the stateâ⬠s prison from a corporation to a department of state government. At the time, the state prison system included Central Prison, Caledonia Prison Farm, Camp Polk Prison Farm and eight road camps. Then, due to lack of regular maintenance and repair, the conditions were diminishing. The state took over the control of the prisons and the inmates, and provided new construction money from the Highway Fund for prison renovation. à · In 1935, women inmates form Central Prison moved to a south Raleigh prison camp, the site of todayâ⬠s Correctional Institution for Women. Women from the Caledonia Prison Farm moved to the Raleigh facility permanently in 1956. à · In 1957, North Carolina became the first state to initiate a work release program that allowed inmates to work in private employment during the day and return to confinement at night. à · In 1958, striped prison clothing was replaced with gray uniforms for close custody, brown for medium, and green for minimum. à · In 1965, all prisons were desegregated and mental health services were established in prisons. Prisoners in North Carolina have numerous things they can do. Prisoners can work, volunteer, go to the correctional chaplain, work out, or just about anything. These inmates work in many different places. Food Services, Unit Services, Work Release, Prison Industry, Road Squads, Construction, State Agencies, Local Agencies, Community Work Crews, Vocational Education, and Academic Education. Other inmates take part in substance abuse treatment, have health problems, or are being admitted into prison. Ministry to the incarcerated is as old as incarceration itself. Chaplincy in North Carolina dates back to 1876. In the spring of 2000, over 100 chaplains were serving the inmate population. Annually, countless numbers of worship services, scripture studies, seminars, counseling sessions, segregation visits, and chaplains conduct special events. Prison chaplaincy is a special ministry of opportunity. It can be a rewarding spiritual endeavor for those persons who have felt a divine call to this challenging ministry. At the beginning of 2001, North Carolinaâ⬠s prison system consisted of 78 prison units of various sizes with eight of the units having a standard operating capacity of less than 90 inmates. However, the largest facility, Central Prison, has a capacity of 937. The cost of North Carolinaâ⬠s prison system varies from different forms of custody. For the Fiscal Year 1999-2000, the daily operating cost of the 64 bed medium security prison unit at Cleveland County was $54.06 per inmate per day, compared to the $36.44 per inmate daily cost of the 832 bed medium security unit at Brown Creek. The cost goes by prison security level. The system wide average operational cost for housing inmates in North Carolina prisons in Fiscal Year 1999-2000 was $65.65 per day. It is broken down into: à · Minimum Custody at $52.52 per day In theory, the U.S. prison system today consists of a variety of institutions (minimum, medium, maximum, jails, and federal institutions) each adapted to the characteristics and risks posed by its population. Minimum-security prisons are often built on a campus like arrangement, which allows the prisoners autonomy and freedom within broad bounds. It is a prison facility with the lowest level of security for nondangerous, stable offenders. Prisoners may have rooms with opaque doors rather than cells that are under constant surveillance. Visits are normally private, where close contact with visitors is encouraged in order to enhance their prisonerâ⬠s ties with the family and community. Medium-security prisons are a middle-level prison facility with a more relaxed security measures and fewer inmates. Maximum-security prisons (the most secure prison facility) are often massive buildings, with high masonry walls or electrified fences, where the primary concern is security. Prisoners are under constant surveillance where their movements are severely restricted, and many are required to remain in their cells almost the entire day. Outdoor recreation is minimal, and visits, when allowed, are often conducted by telephone, with a glass partition between the prisoner and the visitor. There are about 130 of these maximum-security prisons that collectively house more than 100,000 prisoners. Jails, a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody: such a place under the jurisdiction of a local government (as a county) for the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes , are typically not part of the state prison system. They are often managed individually by the districts or counties in which they are located. Many criticize the jail, saying that is the worst part of the U.S. penal organization. In recent decades, most prison systems in the U.S. have come under legal scrutiny, and the courts have found them severely wanting. Many have been declared unconstitutional in the sense that the conditions- including idleness, overcrowding, poor medical care, substantial violence, and lack of rights accorded prisoners- render confinement in these institutions ââ¬Å"cruel and unusualâ⬠punishment and hence in violation of the 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, (Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted ). Such judicial decisions have increased the pressure on state prison authorities to replace their antiquated prison facilities with more modern and humane institutions, in keeping with the ideals set forth by penologists a century ago.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Madame Bovary Comparison - 1166 Words
In Flauberts Madame Bovary, there are many symbols and details about windows and the wedding. Throughout the novel Emma Bovary, Charles wife, is trapped inside a life that she does not long to have. Emma had fantasies of how she wanted her life to be so she rushes into marriage hoping to fulfill that desire but she becomes trapped in marriage as her dreams are not coming out to what she hoped for. Life is not just about being married to satisfy those wishes, you also have to be able to find those desires within the man you are marrying which Emma did not do. Charles was not the man she could have to fulfill her romantic desires. The windows are a symbol to demonstrate Emmas entrapment. She is always staring out of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The way he seduces her is the same as you would see in a film or read in a book which shows her fantasies were magical based. Then again, Emma is in a dress at her funeral. The dress is supposed to symbolize purity but should not be described in that manner because of Emmas affairs. When Charles is staring at her in her dress as she lay in bed, he says that she is lost beneath her dress. This symbolizes that the dress could be holding her back or weighing her down such as suffocating her just as she was in her marriage. She was worn down by her marriage and wanted a way out of the suffocating entrapment. The dried wedding bouquet is also a symbol related to the wedding. Emma finds Charles first and deceased wife, Heloises, bouquet on the desk near the window. Charles then just picks them up and throws them away. This shows how women were portrayed as flowers being easily replaced. A promise is obtained within the flowers about the dreams marriage should have given her according to her dreams. Emma begins to think about her flowers and what would happen to them if she were to die. Emma bringing up death in the beginning of the novel foreshadows the events later on in the novel when she dies. Emma even throws her own bouquet in the fire after pricking her finger on the wire of that bouquet. Emma burning her bouquet could be seen as a way toShow MoreRelated A Comparison between Madame Bovary and The Awakening Essay1169 Words à |à 5 PagesSimilarities Between Madame Bovary and The Awakening à à à Centuries ago, in France, Gustave Flaubert wrote Madame Bovary. In 1899, Kate Chopin wrote The Awakening. The years cannot separate the books, and the definite similarities that the two show. Madame Bovary is the story of a woman who is not content with her life, and searches for ways to get away from the torture she lives everyday. 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